December 4, 2010

Who's Afraid of Photographers?

Who's Afraid of Photographers? -David Hoffman
by Jason N. Parkinson video clip at

November 28, 2010

Photographers rights: When, where and what can I shoot?

originally posted Web Design Blog – WebDesignShock

"Is the title clear enough for you? If you don’t ever want to end up like Rocky with your face all swollen because some security personnel decided you were a national threat, or you want to be completely sure that you can take that shot of your favorite celebrity pissing in the garden, this guide is meant to give you some clarity over what you can and can’t do with your camera."

read the entire piece - informative, entertaining, well done.

(C) PacificEagle | Vancouver 2010 Olympic Protest

And, if you want something a bit more concise, durable and obviously not 'made up' by you and home and printed out, we recommend the ZAPRAGs lens cleaning cloth - see previous entry or

November 7, 2010

Affordable Christmas stocking stuffers

The folks at ZAPRAG have their Canadian version ready for the Chirstmas market place. A great affodable stocking stuffer ($10) for the photographer buff on your list. They can use the ZAPRAG as a normal lens cleaning cloth and at the same time educate themselves and others as to Photographers Rights in Canada. Likewise the US version is specific to the US.

They also have a laminated version of the rights available on a lanyard - the ZAPCARD. There are different versions for Canada and the US.

October 31, 2010

Pushing the Envelope

On occasion, photographers should be harassed for taking photos! Sometimes there are actually rules, and as long as they are legal, one would expect you to respect them.

Happened on this site, open to those who like to 'push the envelope' as they say. It's a spot where you're encouraged to upload those photo's you shouldn't have taken!

"The site is for those interested in pushing the envelope and is intended to be fun and a bit risqué, not for the boring and ordinary! One thing that we don't want though is you breaking the law, deliberately trespassing or infringing someone else's rights."

October 12, 2010

Decline of Photographers Rights

Are U.S. photographers rights headed down the same slippery slope as rights in the UK? Let's hope not!

Know your rights and educate those that don't. Stand up for yourself, and your rights as a photographer.

October 10, 2010

US Photographers Rights Lens Cleaning Cloth released

PRESS RELEASE -Vancouver, BC – 27 September 2010 – The first of the ZAPRAG line of educational products to help educate photographers and the public to the rights of photographers taking photos in public.

The first in a series of products is the ZAPRAG lens cleaning cloth, a function high quality microfiber lens cleaning cloth imprinted with the photographers’ rights. ZAPRAG currently has Canadian and U.S. versions available, with the UK version almost complete. Versions for other countries are in production. Lawyers, in each respected country were consulted, to insure the information is correct and up-to-date. The cloth itself is not only an educational adjunct, always on hand when you’re out photographing, buts also a fully functional lens cleaning cloth – safe for lenses, eyeglasses, I-phones etc.

Complementing this line of products, ZAPRAG have also produced a series of laminated informational cards, ZAPCARDs, containing the photographers’ rights pertinent to each country. This double-sided card is laminated and comes with a ‘break-free’ lanyard.

Items will prove useful to photographers when they find themselves confronted by security guards, and other persons questioning their right to take photos in public. Items are available on the web at or from select photography retailers. Look for additional countries in the very near future.

Inquiries can be direct to:
Box 48808 Bentall Centre
Vancouver, BC  V7X 1A6

October 8, 2010

Objection to the TSA’s poster depicting a photographer as a potential terrorist

National Press Photographers Association (NPPA) issued a press release detailing their objection to the TSA’s poster depicting a photographer as a potential terrorist:

“Photography by itself is not a suspicious activity, and is protected by the First Amendment. Unfortunately the reliance by law enforcement officers to question, detain and interfere with lawful activities by photographers under the guise of preventing terrorist activities has become a daily occurrence."
"It is one thing for DHS to act when there is probable cause; it is quite another to abuse that discretion in order to create a climate that chills free speech under the pretext of safety and security. It is our position that the material targeted at the general aviation community does just that."

We need action to stop the depiction of photography as some sinister act.

Source: National Press Photographers Assoc.

October 1, 2010

Utility Workers Harass Photographer

Kentwood, Michigan - Utility workers harass photographer for taking pictures of its unique water tower that is even listed on the town’s website as a prominent tourist attraction. Read the whole story on the NYC Photographers War on Photography site.